The Seven Deadly Sins No. 4 of 7 "Lust"
I guess I better start to get my outfit sorted.....any ideas??
On entering the convent Magda could not adjust
All or nothing at all.....
I took these photos on my walk home from work last night. After the most incredible summer-like weather during all day on Sunday it continued on late into the evening so I took my time walking back to enjoy the warm breeze passing though the empty city scape.
I pass though the city on my walk to and from work everyday and it was nights like last night that made me appreciate how lucky I am to live in a place that indulges me so much in its aesthetic beauty while I gather my thoughts during my daily travels.
My Excitement for the day today was receiving a phonecall from my friend David to alert me to the fact that the First Lady of Australian TV and our favorite obsession (when we're bored!), -The Quintessential Kerri Anne Kennerley is going to be appearing at the Diva Awards - to which we are attending next Monday night.
On hearing this electrifying news I nearly shat myself at the prospect of having an audience with KAK (as she is known affectionately in the biz) and I think this will serve as David's and I's chance to finally meet her up close and personal as we have had a few near miss encounters in the past but have always failed to take full advantage of the situation.
The first one for me was when I would have been about 6 years old and Kerri Anne came to my School for a live broadcast of the show "Good Morning Australia" which she co-hosted at the time. It was for one of those "feel good"/local interest filler segments and Kerri-Anne was accompanied by a huge block of ice - "a special delivery straight from the North Pole" that contained letters from Santa (who our class had all written to a couple of weeks before hand) But even with the excitement of us all taking turns with a hammer to break the block and retrieve our letters, I personally found the smashing of the cold translucent brick a rather lacklustre experience. One that paled in comparison to being able to bask in the glow of Kerri-Annes undisputable combination of high voltage glamour and "Star Quality", Traits that I was completely arrested by at the time and for many days after (can you tell I had a sheltered childhood up until this point??) .
This was the experience that planted the seed for a life long and completely mundane interest in the enigma of Kerri-Anne.
Then for what seemed like an eternity nothing .......... until last year.
Sitting down in a sold out audience at the State Theatre, waiting to see the Sydney leg of Joan Rivers latest tour "Broke and Alone", who should come and sit down in the row directly behind us but Kerri Anne!! I was completely unaware of this until David gripped onto my arm tightly and whispered in my ear in a very stern voice "KERRI ANNE!!!!!.......BEHIND US!!!!" which was spoken in the same manner of trying to tell someone that some assailant is about to press a 9MM into the back of their neck. I remember sitting in that Theatre ridgid with concentration as I tried to keep my head at an angle to eavesdrop on the conversation held between Kerri Anne and her two Female companions, hoping to hear tales of dirty insider celebrity gossip, marriage problems or some other piece of emotionally sensitive information ....I severely lost out . Instead they indulged me while reminiscing over their trip to Vegas they took for NYE 1999 to see Streisand at MGM and they themselves trying to get an audience with her as they attempted to talk themselves past security to get to Streisand's post show cocktails (the celebrity food chain in action I thought to myself).
Then only a few months later David and I spotted her once again at a Movie Premiere post-party and I still cant quite figure out why we did not approach her that night, she was in a captive room mingling around, we were drinking and she was there..come to think of it I think we were still too busy being offended by the shit movie we had just seen......The vision of Kerri-Anne afterwards did bring some redemption to the night though.
So I think next Monday night will be the moment David and I have been waiting for. We have some big plans in the pipeline for Kerri-Anne - we are pretty serious about making sure they come to fruition as well so I'm not going to reveal them on here for now but I think this will be our chance to at least bask again in the High Glamour that is the quintessential Kerri-Anne Kennerley!!
Somebody kill me.........please.
Poster No. 1 in a series of 4 featuring Courtney Act - one of the Poster "Girls" of the 2005 Diva Awards
A view from the Spa