Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Faith in the Future....

So there's been a trend of late on a few of the blogs I read where the bloggers have been making a list of things they would tweak or change in their lives if they had the chance to go back and get second chance at re-living it.

I like another one of my favorite bloggers Superdrewby share a different view to this concept as I can honestly say there is nothing I would change. This is not to say that my life has been a perfect example of how one should live or there has not been a time where I didn't want to be in my own skin.

There has been no shortage of fuck ups and I like everyone else have experienced some really shit times either due to my own undoings or others but as much as I hated the bad experiences while they were happening to me in retrospect I'm glad they happened because I was capable of moving beyond it and having the experiences push me to where I am today which is still not perfect but a pretty sweet place full of some pretty special and inspiring people (so special I sometime's have to wonder why the fuck would they bother with me! ) and we know how to enjoy the good times when they are there.

So following in Drew's path I'm going to look forward and list a few of the things that I plan to do and Achieve in my lifetime...Some of them are NOT going to be listed here but below are the ones that I'm happy to share in no particular order.

1. Live in LA. Once I am here I'm going to have a dog and an old Benz dishtop convertible and I'll be a very happy man indeed.

2. Meet Scott

3. live life completely free of assumption, unfortunately I constantly amaze myself at how much of my thoughts or opionions are based on assumptions when I don't know the real story. This is something that I'm really working on changing. It's not about having to know everything or needing to be right..If I don't know something that's fine but I shouldn't be making assumptions on the subject or person if this is the case and I cannot be confident in what I'm saying to be the truth.

4. Own a Ducatti, This will be parked in the garage next to the old Mercedes.

5. Do the roadtrip of my dreams and drive across America

6. See Courtney Love perform live and up close, Hopefully I'll be able to tick this one off the list next year when she tours following the release of her new Album in February.

7. Fly in a private Jet, This one used to be fly First Class and I got to do that earlier this year when I had the pleasure of Flying Qantas First Class from Sydney to Bangkok, now that I have got that one out of the way I need to aim for the next step up which is the experience of Private jet travel!, and while I'm on the subject of obnoxious wishes can I get a little greedier in saying that not only do I want to fly in a private jet but I want to Fuck in one as well!

8. Own a recording studio, ok so this is the craziest pipe dream one but who ever got anywhere by only having goals that they were confident in knowing that they could be achieved. I have no idea how this one will come to fruition but I'm taking the first steps to get there by writing this down in the first place! I guess this stems from my own lack of musical talent and the respect and awe I have for people who are gifted in this area so the next best thing is to have a recording studio that will inspire artists to lay down their best.

9. Get seriously built

10. Be confident in the fact that I let my friends know how much I love them.

A few of the above are obviously in the more shallow end of my pool of plans and aspiritions but I dont wanna go too fucking Oprah on you all and list out all of what could be percieved as the more "meaningful" ones! I gotta have some secrets!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

To Fall in Love

Here are some insanely beautiful shots from the latest Issue of POP Magazine featuring Courtney Love in Ibiza.
Words probably cant express how in awe I am of this Woman, you can say what you want about Courtney but she's so mindblowingly gifted as a Poet and anyone with that kind of brilliance and I.Q is gonna have a lot of fucked up times in their life.
I'm glad that she has made it this far and I am counting down the days till I get to listen to her new album "How dirty girls get clean" which is due for release next year (Once the bidding war stops over which record company is gonna get to release what is rumored to be Courtney's greatest work yet)

No one else's music burns it up inside and does it for me the way hers does...

And certainly no one else does it for me in an Agent Provocateur Playsuit the way she does!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My Kinda Snow globe...

I was down in Melbourne for the weekend and one of my friends who lives down there has this amazing trio of Snow globes who are the work of Australian artist Fiona Hall. I've always really admired them especially this one titled "Lair" depicting the White House in Washington surrounded by sand bags and crumbling under the weight of 3 dogs - an English Poodle representing Tony Blair, an American Pitbull representing George Bush and a Australian Blue Heeler representing John Howard all trying to hump each other while one cocks up his leg to take a piss while precariously balancing over some rotting drums of toxic waste.

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Fiona HallLair, 2004 Music: How much is that doggy in the window
mixed media

Personally I think this is a massive injustice to the Pitbull and Blue Heeler and I know Scott over at Bill In Exile would strongly agree but that aside it is a great "Fuck off" piece of Art work. This one was released in 2004 so I am pretty excited that I got myself down on the waiting list for one at the Gallery where they occasionally turn up.

These are the other 2 which I plan on getting as well to complete the trio...

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Fiona Hall Lesion, 2004 Music: I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony
mixed media

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Fiona Hall Rising Tide, 2002 Music: Beyond the Reef
mixed media

Friday, November 03, 2006

Letting lose on a Friday afternoon....

Jesus this cracks me up!