Saturday, July 30, 2005

Post a Secret....

Whilst having a look at (a Blog by Barry who is a good friend of Scott's from Bill in Exile) I came across a link to a most remarkable site. is an Art Project where people are encouraged to write a secret they have never told anyone else before on a handmade post card and then mail it where it will be received and posted on the Post Secret Blog to be viewed by anyone who cares to visit.
The popularity of this blog is not surprisingly astounding with 5721137 hits so far, and while the secrets range from the lightweight, quirky and playful to the downright devastating I don't think there would be many that wouldn't be affected and brought to do some reflecting on their own secrets after reading some of the postcards on the site.
Looking at the comments that have been left by people who have had their cards published it appears the process is a very cathartic and freeing experience so I plan on sending one of my own to the Share Secret Blog very soon.
These 2 below may not be considered the most profound cards on the site but they brought a smile to my face when I saw them...

This one was my favorite from the site.


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