Friday, July 22, 2005

Margaret Cho - The Assassin Tour

Last night I went to see Margaret Cho's live show at the Enmore Theatre in Newtown, it was the final installment of my birthday present from David who got me tickets back in March and it was amazing!, ever since I read her book "I'm the one that I want" a few years back I had really wanted to see her live and she did not fail to deliver last night!.
The show was completely hilarious from start to end and touched on the many facets of whats making the United States one of the most fucked up places on Earth (blue states exempt!!). While the tone of the show was always humorous It did bring to attention many issues that make my blood boil!!, Issues like the dark cloud that looms over Women's rights to abortion and birth control and just the down right insanity and blatant hypocrisy that runs rife through the Christian movements that are doing a pretty good job at overtaking the country despite their complete and utter lack of Intelligence!!.
We are in really dangerous waters at the moment and with Australia having such close ties to the US in the current political environment I Think Margaret's show did an incredible job to create awareness of these topics while being piss funny at the same time!!!

Could this be the way of the Future??


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